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Gastric Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Autoimmune Gastritis Revealed by Total Gastrectomy and Whole-tissue Evaluation, Report of a Case Ryutaro Mizue 1 , Koichi Kurahara 1 , Yumi Oshiro 2 , Takashi Hirata 1,4 , Hiroki Yaita 1,5 , Koji Ikegami 1 , Yuichi Hara 1,6 , Kazuhito Minami 3 , Ken Kominato 7 1Division of Gastroenterology, Matsuyama Red-cross Hospital, Matsuyama, Japan 2Department of Pathology, Matsuyama Red-cross Hospital, Matsuyama, Japan 3Department of Surgery, Matsuyama Red-cross Hospital, Matsuyama, Japan 4Department of Internal Medicine, Japan Community Health Care Organization Kyushu Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan 5Yaita Clinic, Matsuyama, Japan 6HARA Clinic, Fukuoka, Japan 7Kominato Clinic, Matsuyama, Japan Keyword: 自己免疫性胃炎 , 胃癌 , 胃扁平上皮癌 , NET , 胃全摘 pp.111-122
Published Date 2024/1/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403203455
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 We present the rare case of a patient with autoimmune gastritis who underwent total gastrectomy, in whom whole-tissue evaluation revealed endocrine cell micronests and additional potential tumors. A man in his 70s who underwent endoscopy for anemia was referred to our facility with an ulcerative lesion of the anterior wall of the upper gastric body. Close examination led to the diagnosis of advanced-stage type 2 squamous cell carcinoma in the anterior wall of the upper gastric body, early-stage type 0-IIa+IIc highly differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma in the lesser curvature of the middle gastric body, and two neuroendocrine tumor lesions in the greater curvature of the middle gastric body, associated with autoimmune gastritis. He underwent total gastrectomy, and the specimen was entirely split. The histopathologic examination of the whole tissue section revealed severe atrophy of the fundic gland area and multiple endocrine cell micronests in the anterior and posterior walls of the greater curvature of the gastric body. Two neuroendocrine tumors, which were not detected during preoperative examination, were also found.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


