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Early Colorectal Cancer Arising from Traditional Serrated Adenoma, Report of a Case Takashi Murakami 1 , Takashi Yao 2 , Hideaki Ritsuno 3 , Eiji Kamba 1 , Takahito Awatsu 1 , Kei Nomura 1 , Taro Kurosawa 1 , Keiichi Haga 1 , Hirofumi Fukushima 1 , Tomoyoshi Shibuya 1 , Akihito Nagahara 1 1Department of Gastroenterology, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo 2Department of Human Pathology, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo 3Ritsuno Endoscopy Clinic, Sagamihara, Japan Keyword: TSA , traditional serrated adenoma , 大腸癌 , traditional serrated pathway , 大腸鋸歯状病変 , BRAF pp.207-214
Published Date 2023/2/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403203117
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 We report on a case of a man in his 70s with TSA(traditional serrated adenoma)-derived early colorectal cancer. Colonoscopy for screening revealed a 0-Ip type lesion with color similar to the surrounding area and partially reddish, measuring 12mm in diameter, in the rectosigmoid colon. Magnifying endoscopy showed a type VI-mild pit pattern with an irregular structure different from that of normal adenoma within a type IV pit pattern showing a villous structure. We suspected intramucosal cancer and performed endoscopic mucosal resection. The pathological diagnosis was well-differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma in TSA localized in the mucosa, and a microvesicular type hyperplastic polyp was found at the base of the lesion. Immunohistologically, MUC2 was positive, MUC6 was negative, and CD10 was negative. MUC5AC was negative in the TSA area, indicating a large-intestinal type of mucin phenotype ; MUC5AC was positive in the cancerous area, indicating an intestinal and gastric mixed type of mucin phenotype. In addition, β-catenin nuclear expression was found and p53 protein expression were completely lost in the cancerous area. Genetic analysis showed BRAF mutation and microsatellite stability. Therefore, this case was diagnosed as early-stage cancer via traditional serrated pathway with BRAF mutation.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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