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Characteristics of X-ray and Endoscopic Findings in NHPH-infected Gastritis Toshihisa Tsukadaira 1 , Natsuko Kobayashi 1 , Hiroyuki Agawa 1 , Yasuhiro Sekiguchi 1 , Seiichi Hayashi 2 , Himiko Kodaira 2 , Hiroyoshi Ota 3 , Kazuki Horiuchi 4 , Tatsuya Negishi 4 , Takehisa Matsumoto 5 , Toshifumi Tada 6 1Department of Internal Medicine, Kenwakai Hospital, Iida, Japan 2Department of Pathology, Kenwakai Hospital, Iida, Japan 3Department of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Matsumoto, Japan 4Department of Laboratory Medicine, Shinshu University Hospital, Matsumoto, Japan 5Department of laboratory Sciences, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Maebashi, Japan 6Department of Internal Medicine, Japanese Red Cross Society Himeji Hospital, Himeji, Japan Keyword: NHPH , H. suis , ひび割れ状粘膜 , 霜降り状所見 , 内視鏡所見 pp.43-51
Published Date 2023/1/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403203090
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 Regarding EGD(esophagogastroduodenoscopic)findings of NHPH(Non-Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter)-infected gastritis, four findings have already been reported:crack-like mucosa, white marbled appearance, nodular gastritis, and spotty redness. The frequency, gastric mucosa relation with atrophy, and gastric region of frequent occurrence of each finding were investigated in 36 cases in which the NHPH species were identified as H. suis(Helicobacter suis)in our facility. The characteristics of X-ray findings of five cases near the time of diagnosis were examined. It was presumed that the white marbled appearance appears relatively early from the gastric angle to the lesser curvature of the antrum. However, it changes to crack-like mucosa from the gastric angle to the greater curvature of the antrum as inflammation progresses. Nodular gastritis cannot be distinguished from H. pylori(Helicobacter pylori)-infected gastritis based on EGD findings. Spotty redness localized near the glandular border of the greater curvature of the gastric angle might be a characteristic of H. suis-infected gastritis. The gastric X-ray findings of the cases with crack-like mucosa are similar to those of early H. pylori-infected gastritis, particularly the slight atrophy of the antral gastritis.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


