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要旨●大腸拡大NBI統一分類がmodified Delphi methodによるコンセンサスを得て2014年6月提唱された.その後,班会議,日本消化器内視鏡学会附置研究会を通じて議論を重ね,Type 1におけるSSA/Pの問題,Type 2Bと3の線引きや領域性の定義など微調整が必要な箇所の出現により2018年8月に第2次Web試験がスタートした.欧米においてもJNET分類をグローバルに展開する必要性があり日本消化器内視鏡学会(JGES)初の欧州内視鏡学会(ESGE)との共同研究(International Evaluation of Endoscopy classification JNET ; IEE-JNET)がスタートし議論を重ねているところである.
JNET(the Japan NBI Expert Team)was established in 2011 to develop a universal classification of magnifying NBI. The team comprised 38 members from 26 institutions throughout Japan, including the proposers of each of the existing classifications of magnifying NBI.
The JNET working group held discussions and established common evaluation criteria for VP and SP partially, known as the NBI scale.
In a previous web-based image interpretation study, we produced basic data for the development of the JNET classification by validating the findings used in the NBI scale, as well as the necessity of an individual criterion. Based on these data, we reached a consensus for the development of the JNET classification.
Although near-focus(×40 magnification)and optical zoom systems have recently become available, the use of magnified endoscopic diagnosis is not widespread in the Western countries. Therefore, it is important to raise worldwide awareness regarding the newly established JNET classification. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the JNET classification using an internet-based e-learning system and to evaluate the learning curve for Japanese and Western endoscopists, including both experts and non-experts.

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