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要旨●患者は60歳代,男性.近医の上部消化管内視鏡検査で病変を指摘されたため,当科に紹介となった.胃体下部小彎に境界やや不明瞭な10mm大の白色扁平隆起を認めた.NBI併用拡大内視鏡検査では病変部のwhite zoneは乳頭・顆粒状構造を呈し,異型に乏しい微小血管の増生を認め,EUSでは第2層の肥厚を呈していた.確定診断を目的にESDを行った結果,病理組織学的には粘膜固有層内に形質細胞がびまん性に増生し,免疫組織化学的にはIgA,κ鎖の単クローン増殖を来しており,髄外性胃形質細胞腫と診断した.H. pylori陽性であり,除菌治療後経過観察中である.
A 6-year-old man underwent upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy at a nearby hospital and was referred to our department after a lesion was detected. A poorly-marginated white flat elevation, with a diameter of 10mm, was detected at the lesser curvature of the lower body of the stomach. Magnifying endoscopy with narrow band imaging showed the white zone of the lesion with a papillary and granular structure and atypical microvascular proliferation, whereas endoscopic ultrasound indicated thickness in the second layer. To make a definitive diagnosis, endoscopic submucosal dissection was performed. Histopathological examination revealed diffuse plasma cell proliferation in the lamina propria, whereas immunohistological examination showed monoclonal proliferation of immunoglobulin A and the κ-chain. Based on these findings, he was diagnosed with early-stage extramedullary gastric plasmacytoma. Moreover, a positive result was obtained on Helicobacter pylori testing, and eradication therapy was performed. His clinical course is currently being monitored.
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