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要旨 2006年4月から2008年12月までの間にESDにて切除された早期胃癌582病変のうち,病変全体もしくは一部で,病変辺縁に明らかな隆起や陥凹を呈さない41病変(全体の7.0%)を抽出し,さらに境界明瞭群13病変と不明瞭群28病変に分け,腫瘍径,部位,周在性,側方進展部の組織型,色調,インジゴカルミンによる明瞭化の有無,血管透見の不整・消失の有無,病理学的側方進展様式,組織学的背景粘膜について検討した.腫瘍径31mm以上の病変は31.7%であった.部位,周在性ではU,M領域の病変が,全体の73.2%,不明瞭群の71.4%,後壁と小彎の病変を併せると,全体の68.3%,不明瞭群の71.4%であった.色調は不明瞭群の42.9%で背景粘膜と同色調であった.境界明瞭群の中でも,インジゴカルミン撒布により範囲が不明瞭となったものが23.1%存在し,不明瞭群でも範囲が明瞭化したものは35.7%にとどまった.血管透見の不整・消失は,全体の63.4%にみられた.側方進展様式では,全体の中で全層型の占める割合はわずか5.0%であった.組織型と側方進展様式の関係では,tub2,sigは全層型がなく,中間・深層型の割合がそれぞれ28.6%,42.9%と高く,また不明瞭群でsigの割合が高かった.組織学的背景粘膜について,萎縮は全体の95.0%,不明瞭群の96.3%にみられ,腸上皮化生は全体の77.5%,不明瞭群の77.8%にみられた.このようなIIb進展を有する病変に関する臨床病理学的特徴やこれまでの知見を熟知したうえで,新しいmodalityも駆使し,正診率を向上させていくことが重要であると考える.
We investgated 582 early gastric cancers resected by ESD from 2006 to 2008. We extracted 41 flat type lesions(7.0%)from among all of these lesions, and divided them into two groups : visually clear type and unclear type. The characteristics of flat type lesions and visually unclear type are as follows :
(1) The rate of flat-type lesions whose tumor size is over 31mm is 31.7%.
(2) The rate of flat-type lesions which are in the U and M region is 73.2%. The rate of unclear-type lesions which are in the U and M region is 71.4%. The rate of flat-type lesions which are in the posterior wall and lesser curvature is 68.3%. The rate of unclear type lesions which are in the posterior wall and lesser curvature is 71.4%.
(3) The rate of unclear-type lesions which are the same color as normal mucosa is 42.9%.
(4) The rate of unclear-type lesions which are visible with indigocarmine is only 35.7%.
(5) The rate of flat-type lesions whose vascular pattern is irregular is 63.4%. The rate of unclear-type lesions whose vascular pattern is irregular is 64.3%.
(6) Concerning intramucosal infiltration pattern, the rate of massive type in flat-type lesions is only 5.0%.
(7) The rate of flat-type lesions with atrophic mucosa is 95.0%. The rate of unclear type lesions with atrophic mucosa is 96.3%.
In conclusion, we have to understand these characteristics of flat type early gastric cancers, and carefully diagnose them.

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