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要旨●鋸歯状病変については,最新のWHO分類で用語の統一がなされたが,その診断一致率は低く,それらに対する適切な臨床対応やserrated neoplasia pathwayの前癌病変を抽出するため,その正確な組織診断の必要性が増している.そこで,9名の消化管疾患専門病理医による12個の鋸歯状病変の組織診断の差異とその要因について分析した.その結果,右半結腸の無茎性鋸歯状腺腫/ポリープ(SSA/P)の診断一致率は高く,その診断には主に陰窩底部の拡張,陰窩底部の分岐,陰窩底部の水平方向への変形,陰窩底部からの鋸歯状変化が抽出されていたこと,左半結腸の有茎性SSA/Pは古典的鋸歯状腺腫(TSA)と診断されることが多いことが明らかとなった.また,TSAの診断に対するBRAF免疫組織化学染色の有用性も合わせて紹介した.
According to the latest WHO classification, the family of serrated polyps comprises hyperplastic polyps, SSA/Ps(sessile serrated adenomas/polyps), and TSAs(traditional serrated adenomas). However, discordance is present among pathologists regarding the morphologic diagnosis of serrated polyps. The accurate diagnosis of serrated polyps is crucial for a better understanding of accurate risk and adequate surveillance approaches for malignant neoplasia and also for the better understanding of the molecular data that were created on the“serrated neoplasia”pathway. We evaluated concordance in the morphologic diagnosis of 12 serrated polyps among 9 pathologists with a special interest in gastrointestinal pathology. We found that the agreement between pathologists for right-sided SSA/P was relatively high and that their diagnoses relied on observing dilatation of crypts, branched crypts, horizontal crypts, and serrated architecture starting in basilar crypt regions. Left-sided pedunculated-type SSA/Ps were often diagnosed as TSA. Detection of BRAF mutation by immunohistochemistry(with the monoclonal antibody, VE1)is a feasible technique in the routine pathologic diagnosis of serrated polyps, especially TSA.

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