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要旨 表面型表層拡大型食道癌に対する治療は,内視鏡治療,外科手術,化学放射線療法(CRT)があり,その治療選択に迷うことも多い.JCOG9708試験では,cStage I食道癌に対する根治的CRTが外科手術と同等の有効性を持ち,それに伴う有害事象が軽微であることが報告され,内視鏡治療困難例で外科手術拒否例や不耐例に対してはCRTが行われている.また,内視鏡治療技術の進歩により,絶対適応病変のみならずT1a-MM以深の病変にも内視鏡治療を施行することが増えてきている.追加治療としてのCRTについてもその有効性が報告され,現在多施設前向き臨床試験で評価中である.一方,CRT後再発は局所再発例が多く,その早期診断が重要である.早期診断により内視鏡的サルベージ治療が可能となり,その有効性も報告されている.
Treatment strategy for patients with superficially spreading esophageal cancer is still controversial. Because of the multiple treatment choice including endoscopic resection, surgery and chemoradiotherapy(CRT). After a phase II trial of definitive CRT for Stage I ESCC(JCOG9708)demonstrated high efficacy and mild toxicity of the procedure compared with surgery, CRT is usually performed in cases in which the tumor is incurable by endoscopic resection or in cases in which patients refuse or are intolerant to surgery. Moreover, advances in endoscopic treatments have resulted in an increased number of endoscopic resections for not only ESCC of absolute depth but also MM and deeper ESCC. As some recent study showed the efficacy of CRT as an additional treatment, the prospective and multicenter phase II clinical trial, which is in progress, aims to validate the efficacy and safety. On the other hand, we often experienced primary-site recurrence after definitive CRT ; therefore, it is important to detect local recurrence at an early stage. Early detection of recurrence enables endoscopic salvage treatment, which has been shown to be effective.

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