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要旨 表層拡大型食道癌66例に対する外科切除例 : 43例と内視鏡的切除(endoscopic resection:ER)例:23例について臨床病理学検討を行った.内視鏡検査,食道X線造影所見による壁深達度診断の正診率は37.0%であり,表在型での71.0%と比較し極めて低率であった.リンパ節転移に関しては,T1a-MM/T1b-SM1の18例中5例(27.7%)に認め,表在型より多い傾向が認められ,危険因子は脈管侵襲陽性例であった.表層拡大型癌の治療方針に関しては,術前診断精度が低いため,T1a-EP/LPMと診断される症例では,まずERの適応とし詳細な病理組織診断を行う.5cmよりはるかに長い全周性病変でSM浸潤の可能性が高い病巣では手術も考慮する.リンパ節転移が疑われる症例は外科的根治術の適応と考える.
We conducted a clinicopathological study of 66 superficial spreading esophageal carcinomas, 43 of which were surgically resected and 23 of which were treated with endoscopic resection(ER).
The diagnostic accuracy of evaluation of invasion depth based on findings from endoscopy and esophagography was 37.0%, which was very low compared with 71.0%for superficial cases. Lymph node metastasis was observed in 5 of 18 T1a-MM/T1b-SM1 cases(27.7%), more commonly than in the superficial cases. In these cases the risk factor of lymph node metastasis was positive vascular invasion. With regard to the treatment policy of superficial spreading tumors, the preoperative diagnostic accuracy is low. Therefore, for cases diagnosed as T1a-EP/LPM, ER should be considered first, followed by detailed histopathological examination. Surgery should also be considered when the tumor is much larger than 5cm and encircles the esophagus, because submucosal invasion is highly likely in such cases. Radical surgery is indicated for cases in which lymph node metastasis is suspected.

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