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要旨 日常臨床で遭遇する虫垂疾患の大半は急性虫垂炎であるが,虫垂にはその他にもさまざまな炎症性病変や腫瘍性病変などが認められる.CT検査は迅速で,特別な前処置を必要としないため,救急疾患の診断に適しており,急性虫垂炎をはじめとする右下腹部痛を呈する疾患への適応も広い.また,MDCTのthin slice画像は高い空間分解能を有し,詳細な病的所見に加えて正常虫垂が認識可能であるため,さまざまな虫垂病変の診断やその否定,あるいは虫垂病変と紛らわしい病変との鑑別診断において極めて重要な役割を担う.本稿では,虫垂の炎症性病変として,急性虫垂炎,虫垂憩室症・虫垂憩室炎,Crohn病,また腫瘍性病変として,虫垂粘液腫,虫垂カルチノイド,虫垂癌を取り上げ,代表的な画像を紹介して画像診断のポイントを概説した.
Although acute appendicitis is the most common disease of the appendix in daily clinical practice, various other inflammatory and neoplastic conditions are also found that require correct diagnosis and appropriate management. Thin-section CT(computed tomography)images using a MDCT(multidetector-row CT)system have a very high spatial resolution that reveals the precise pathology of the appendix, but neglects the presence of lesions that demonstrate normal appearance of the appendix. In this study, inflammatory conditions, such as acute appendicitis, appendiceal diverticulitis, and Crohn's disease, and neoplastic conditions, such as mucoceles, carcinoid, and adenocarcinoma of the appendix are covered. Furthermore, illustrative CT images of those conditions are demonstrated, and image interpretation methods are discussed.

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