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要旨 〔症例1〕は,60歳代の男性.検診にて,胃体上部に発赤調陥凹性病変を散在性に認めた.NBI拡大観察にてWZの消失した不整な微細血管とDLを伴う3mm大の病変を1つ認めた.〔症例2〕は,70歳代の男性.胃癌EMR後にEGDを受け,胃体中部後壁に2mm大の発赤調陥凹を指摘された.NBI拡大観察ではDLと不整微細血管を有し,WZの消失した陥凹であった.〔症例3〕は,胃癌精査目的で紹介された50歳代の男性.近位前庭部大彎に多発する発赤を多数認めた.NBI拡大観察にて,後壁側の発赤調陥凹性病変内にWZの不整ないし消失,不整な微細血管およびDLを認めた.いずれの病変も分化型粘膜癌と診断し,生検を省略しESDにて切除した.組織学的にも治癒切除であった.
Case 1 is 60's male with gastric cancer checked by healthy check. Magnifying endoscopy with NBI(ME-NBI)showed a small depressed lesion with demarcation line, 3mm in size, which had irregular vessels. White zone appearance was unclear. Case 2 is 70's male introduced in order to surveillance after EMR for gastric cancer. Gastroscopy showed a small reddish lesion, 2mm in size, in the posterior wall of the gastric body. ME-NBI showed an irregular microvessels and disappearance of white zone component with demarcation line. Case 3 is 50's male referred to our hospital for further workup of gastric cancer. Gastroscopy showed many number of redness in the greater curvature of proximal antrum. ME-NBI showed an irregular microvessels, irregularity and disappearance of white zone component with demarcation line. We diagnosed all cases as minute mucosal cancer consist of differentiated adenocarcinoma by ME-NBI findings. We treated three cases by ESD without previous biopsy and could curative resection histologically.

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