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Differential Diagnosis of Minute Gastric Cancer and Gastric Erosion Hisanobu Tomimatsu 1 1The Medical Assosiation for Early Gastric Cancer Detection Keyword: 微小胃癌 , 小胃癌 , びらん活動期 , びらん修復期 , 鑑別診断 pp.1261-1278
Published Date 1995/9/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403105530
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 Benign erosions were compared with the minute or small gastric cancer lesions. Twenty point five percent of minute gastric cancer and 14.3% of small gastric cancer were diagnosed as benign erosions by the initial evaluation. On the other hand, 8.9% of benign erosion was diagnosed or suspected as the type Ⅱc gastric cancer by the initial assessment. Significant differences between gastric erosion and minute cancer by the radiologic examination were the following three points: 1) shape of border around the depressed lesion, 2) presence or absence of spine-shaped extension, and 3) appearance of the overlying mucosa of the marginal elevated area. Useful radiologic findings which differentiated a cancer from an erosion were irregularity around the depressed area, spine-shaped extension, and rough granular shaped elevation around the lesion.

 Significant differences between gastric erosion and minute cancer by the endoscopic examination were as follows: in the active phase of erosion; 1) shape of border around the depressed area, 2) presence or absence of spine-shaped extension, 3) appearance of the overlying mucosa of the marginal elevated area, and 4) color; in the repair phase of erosion, appearance of the overlying mucosa of the marginal elevated area. It was difficult to exclude minute gastric cancer from six lesions of erosion in the repair phase. Useful endoscopic findings which differentiated a cancer from an erosion were as follows: 1) irregularity around the depressed area, 2) instead of smooth edematous mucosa, rough granular shaped overlying mucosa of the marginal elevated area, 3) strong reddening in the color tone, and 4) thin slough.

Copyright © 1995, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


