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胃のスキルス10)14)はSkirrhus,diffuse Karzinom,Borrmann4型癌,carcinoma fibrosum,硬癌,scirrhous carcinoma,leather bottle stomach,linitis plastica型胃癌など,種々の名称でほぼ同義に呼ばれてきた.一方,スキルスを肉眼形態から“幽門狭窄型と胃体部型”“linitis plastica型とgiant fold型”“限局性びまん型とlinitis plastica型”“Skirrhusとcarcinoma fibrosum”などと大まかに2つに分ける見方があるが,私どもは,これらは原発部位の違いや,時相の違いによるものであって,本質的には変わるものでなく,胃スキルスとして総括できるものと考える.したがって,胃スキルスを論ずる際には混乱をさけるため,どの意味でスキルスの言葉を用いるかを明らかにしておく必要がある.私どもは胃スキルスを,肉眼的にはBorrmann4型またはlinitis plastica型と呼ばれる所見を呈し,組織学的には著明な間質増生を伴うびまん性浸潤型の胃癌とする立場をとっている.
Among the retrospective study series of scirrhous carcinoma of the stomach, we have presented one case in this paper. The initial radiological examination of this patient at National Cancer Center Hospital revealed diffuse scirrhous carcinoma extending from the angle to the lower body of the stomach. Total gastrectomy was performed. Macroscopic and microscopic findings of the resected specimen were of typical scirrhous carcinoma. X-ray films which were taken 5 years and 6 months before at another hospital could be reviewed by us. Those films showed vethe shallow, irregular shaped depression with conrging folds on the posterior wall of the angle. We could diagnose the lesion as the early gastric cancer, type Ⅱc.
From this fact, the patient was supposed to have the cancerous lesion in the stomach 5 years before. We have been making a retrospective study of x-ray findings of many cases with scirrhous carcinoma and now we have some conclusions as follows:
1) Some cases with scirrhous carcinoma show long course up to 5 to 6y ears.
2) Shallow cancerous erosion like Ⅱc is found at the early phase of some scirrhous carcinoma cases.
3) In not a few cases, scirrhous carcinoma undoubtedly originate from the angle to the antrum.
The case presented in this paper is one typical case among those with the above characteristic criteria.

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