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症 例
患 者:46歳,女.
1973年以来,1年1回,職域における成人病検診の一環としてX線テレビによる胃部検診を受けていた.初回より6年間,6回のX線テレビによるスクリーニング検査でチェックされなかったが,1979年10月のX線テレビによりlinitis plastica型癌と診断され,同年11月手術を施行(経過表参照).
1. Even 22 months before the final diagnosis of linitis plastica, the radiogram showed the primary lesion as an irregular-shaped barium fleck.
2. The primary lesion did not change in size and shape over a period of 22 months.
3. The resected specimen showed that the primary lesion was a small, irregular shallow ulcer (Ul-Ⅱ) with no convergency. Cancer was exposed only on the small surface of the ulceration.
4. At the time of the final diagnosis, the radiogram taken 8 months before showed the enlarged tortuosities of the folds and the marginal rigidity as well, with little if any change, which caused us to suspect that cancer infiltration was present underneath.
Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.