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Stricturing Form of Ischemic Colitis: Prospective change in barium enema K. Ushio 1 , T. Hirashima 2 , M. Sasagawa 1 , T. Yamada 1 , T. Hirota 3 , H. Ichikawa 1 1Department of Radiologic Diagnosis, National Cancer Center Hospital 2Department of Internal Medicine, National Cancer Center Hospital 3Division of Pathology, National Cancer Center Hospital pp.295-301
Published Date 1981/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403107981
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 A 61 year-old male, who had been pointed out to have hypertension since 16 years ago, was admitted to National Cancer Center Hospital complaining of left abdominal cramp, fever (37.6℃) and diarrhea with massive bleeding. Physical examination revealed severe left quadrant tenderness. On routine laboratory investigation, the white cell count was 15,000 mm3 and hemooccult reaction in feces was three positive. Electrocardiogram showed myocardial ischemia and complete right bundle branch block. The plain x-ray film of the abdomen taken three days after the onset revealed multiple nodular filling defects (thumb printing) throughout the narrowed descending colon.

 Diagnosis of ischemic colitis was made on the basis of the clinical, laboratory findings and abdominal plain film. He was treated with antibiotics (penicillin and kanamycin) and symptomatic treatment. The patient's symptoms and signs settled within two weeks, and positive occult blood of feces and leuko cytosis were not seen on the tenth days after the onset. Flexible fiberoptic colonoscopy showed the longitudinal ulcer with white coat. Histological examination of biopsy specimen taken from the ulcer revealed the necrotic granulation tissue with fibrinous exudatives and inflammatory cell infiltration and there were no evidence of any mucosal changes suggesting of ulcerative colitis or chronic specific granulomatous diseases. Barium enema study performed on the 40th days after the onset showed an area of stenosis 20 cm in length in the descending colon with longitudinal ulcer and mucosal irregularity. Repeated barium enema performed on the 118th days after the onset showed the healed ulcer, sacculation and marginal rigidity in the descending colon. Last barium enema conducted on the 223 rd days after the onset showed only the unilateral stricture with sacculation and rigidity, but mucosa appeared to be normal.

 From the symptoms of onset, the clinical course, the endoscopic and radiographic examination, this case was considered to be the stricturing form which Marston classified in ischemic colitis.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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