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Early Gastric Carcinoma, Typical IIb-Type combined with Leiomyoma: A case report S. O. Yoon 1 , S. H. Han 2 , K. S. Min 3 , A. Fujii 4 , K. Takagi 5 , K. Nakamura 6 1Dept. of Surgery, Cheil Hospital 2Dept. of Internal Medicine, Cheil Hospital 3Dept. of Surgery, Soonchunhyang Hospital 4Dept. of Internal Medicine, Cancer Institute Hospital 5Dept. of Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital 6Dept. of Pathology, Cancer Institute Hospital pp.465-470
Published Date 1977/4/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403112581
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 We report a case of early gastric carcinoma, typical IIb-type, incidentally found during biopsy of minute submucosal tumor detected in gastroendoscopy and present some recent status of gastric carcinoma in Korea.

 A 69 year old man visited Cheil Hospital with a two years' history of progressive epigastric distress and indigestion. Upper G. I. X-ray series revealed nothing specific in both the stomach and duodenum. However, gastroendoscopy showed an elevated lesion, 1.5 cm in diameter, on the anterior wall of stomach body. The lesion was covered by essentially normal mucosa without any distinct demarcation and it appeared to be a submucosal tumor, showing so called bridging fold appearance. The biopsy specimen taken from the elavated lesion, however, suggested mucocellular adenocarcinoma. Subtotal gastrectomy was done under the diagnosis of elevated type early gastric carcinoma.

 Resected specimen showed a leiomyoma, measuring 13 mm in diameter on the submucosal layer of anterior wall of the stomach body, and its corresponding mucosal surface was more or less protruded into the gastric lumen, whereas the mucosa itself seemed not to be abnormal. The mucosa of anterior gastric wall distal to the lesion and the area of lesser curvature were somewhat discolored and more atrophic. However, there was no evidence at all of depression, irregularity or hemorrhage.

 Histologically, a spherical leiomyoma, about 10 mm in diameter, was found in the anterior wall of the stomach body. The gastric mucosa in wide extent measuring about 65×45 mm from the top of leiomyoma to distal anterior wall and lesser curvature was involved with mucinous cell carcinoma identical with the previous biopsy findings. On cut section of the specimen, there was not any difference in height between the area of cancer and that of normal mucosa. The cancer was limited within the mucosa but it was never exposed to the mucosal surface. The lymphnodes and other abdominal viscera were free from metastasis.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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