

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Four Cases of Gastric Carcinoid P.H. Chen 1 , T. Takemoto 4 1Dept. of Internal Medicine, Taipei Municipal Jen-Ai Hospital 4Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical College pp.657-662
Published Date 1975/5/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403112356
  • Abstract
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 In Taiwan reports of gastric carcinoid have been so few and far between that we are not still in a stage to discuss its characteristics encountered in this country. We believe that our personally experienced cases of carcinoid of the stomach do not represent this neoplasm in this country, but 4 cases we have come across since Dec. 1973 are shown here in the sense of comparing them with those reported in Japan.

 Case 1 is a 50-year-old man complaining of hematemesis who had heart-burn and pain in the epigastrium of 10-year duration. Both roentgenography and endoscopy of the stomach led us to a diagnosis of Borrmann Ⅱ type advanced carcinoma on the lesser curvature of the pyloric antrum. As this was further confirmed by biopsy, he was operated on. Histologically, the lesion was gastric carcinoid belonging to B+C type according to Soga's classification. There was metastasis to regional lymph nodes, but not to the liver.

 Case 2 is a man with hemetemesis and melena and case 3 likewise a man with epigastric pain over the past 3 years. Both were diagnosed as Borrmann Ⅱ type advanced carcinomas, one on the posterior wall of the pyloric antrum in the greater curvature side and the other in the lesser curvature at the level of the angulus. They protruded from the mucosal surface with large ulceration. Histologically, the lesions were both Carcinoid, belonging to Soga's B+A+C and B+C types, respectively. Case 4 is a man 53 years of age, for whom emergency operation was done under a suspicion of perforated gastric ulcer entertained by sudden onset of abdominal pain. Histologic examination of the excised specimen showed that the tumor was gastric carcinoid of C+B type. None of the cases exhibited Carcinoid syndrome. Metastasis was limited to the regional lymph nodes in all but the case 4 which was free from it.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


