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Davenportの“Physiology of the Digestive Tract”によると,ネズミの膵組織は0.2gのたんぱく量であるが,1日に0.4gの膵酵素を合成し,分泌しているという.すなわち膵自体のもつたんぱくよりも多くのたんぱくを合成している.実験的にはラベルしたアミノ酸を注射すると,1分以内に膵外分泌細胞内のリボゾーム上にキモトリプシノーゲンとしてあらわれ,5分以内に膵酵素の前駆物質としてラベルされ,36分で分泌顆粒の中に酵素として存在し分泌状態となる.このことは臨床的には,75Se-メチオニンによる膵のシンチグラフィーのときによく観察される.
For clinico-biochemical examinations of pancreatic diseases we have described here particularly amylase assay by means of chromogenic method together with amylase isozyme that utilizes it. Approach to these disorders using isoamylase is not only an effective examination method for the analysis of hyperamylasemia but also of great interest seen from the aspect of pathophysiology.
Blue starch-agar plate method makes it very easy to divide isoamylase into S-type (salivary type) and P-type (pancreatic type), and it can be shown quantitatively as well.
Isoamylase pattern in the urine does not reflect that of the blood, and P-type is of higher level than in the blood. P-type isoamylase seems to have a structure that is easily filtered through the glomerulus of the kidney. In acute pancreatitis high amylase level returns to normal one within a relatively short time, while it is maintained for a longer period in the urine. Increase of P-type isoamylase, easily filtered through the renal glomerulus, probably accounts for this phenomenon.
Serum amylase level in normal subjects does not show more than 30 percent increase in the level of post-pancreozymin-secretin test, but in the group in which pancreatitis is suspected it may show a higher figure.
Investigation of the response of serum amylase seen from the aspect of amylase isozyme shows that rise in the amylase level after the test is due to the increase of P-type amylase. S-type amylase hardly shows any change in its level. From these facts we may assume that serum amylase response is due to release of a specific pancreatic amylase and this response should be regarded as a factor indicating some kind of pancreatic lesion.
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