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Histopathological Study on Primary Locus of Linitis Plastica: Relation between carcinoma arisen from the fundic gland mucosa and linitis plastica K. Nakamura 1 , H. Sugano 1 , M. Maruyama 2 , N. Sugiyama 2 , K. Takagi 3 1Department of Pathology, Cancer Institute 2Department of Internal Medicine, Cancer Institute Hospital 3Department of Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital pp.79-86
Published Date 1975/1/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403112101
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 The carcinoma arising from the fundic gland mucosa is very important, because it has a close connection with so-called “Linitis plastica (Leather bottle stomach)”. Its connection is demonstrated by two conditional syllogisms (Table 12).

 Namely, the histological type of carcinoma arising from the fundic gland mucosa is of undifferentiated variety (Table 6) (Figs. 8~11) 〔Table 12-(1)〕, and the undifferentiated carcinoma can sometimes reach on an advanced phase, linitis plastica 〔Table 12-(2)〕. Accordingly, the carcinoma arising from the fundic gland mucosa can develop into linitis plastica (Figs. 2, 3 and 4~7) 〔Table 12-(3)〕.

 However, converses are not generally true. In other words, the undifferentiated carcinoma arises not only from the fundic gland mucosa but also from the pyloric gland mucosa. To assert a close connection between carcinoma arising from the fundic gland mucosa and linitis plastica, it is necessary to demonstrate that primary locus of linitis plastica is frequent in the upper half of the stomach 〔Table 12-(4)〕. because its portion except the lesser curvature site is usually lined by the fundic gland mucosa 〔Table 12-(5)〕. The upper half of the stomach predominates in primary locus of linitis plastica (Tables 3 and 5). Accordingly, it is able to say that major part of linitis plastica developed from the fundic gland mucosa 〔Table 12-(6)〕.

 As mentioned above, there is a close connection between carcinoma arising from the fundic gland mucosa and linitis plastica 〔Table 12-(7)〕. It is clinically difficult to disclose a small lesion in the upper portion of the stomach except the lesser curvature site. Therefore, the undifferentiated carcinoma arising from the fundic gland mucosa is shown to be “Linitis plastica” in many instances.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


