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筆者は1969年7月ミシガン州デトロイトにあるWayne State Universityの外科にResearch Associateとして渡米して以来,多くのいわゆるストレスによる胃粘膜よりの出血を経験し,その内視鏡像,病理,さらに治療について研究する機会を得たので,その結果を発表したい.
この研究が行なわれたDetroit General Hospitalの一般外科のEmergency Serviceでは,平均約60人の患者を収容しているが,毎週約2例の急性胃出血の新患が発生し輸血をしている.この病院ではストレスによる胃粘膜出血の頻度は消化性潰瘍,食道静脈瘤よりはるかに多く,上部消化管出血の最大原因となっている.
Modern supportive care which prolongs life in critically ill patients is often complicated by major gastric bleeding. Since 1967, over 300 patients required transfusion for this disease; 38 underwent surgery with 18 deaths. All 38 patients had sepsis, mainly peritonitis and/or pneumonitis. They were analyzed with respect to 1) serial mucosal changes, studied by pre-bleed gastric photography; 2) light (H & E) microscopy of intraoperative biopsies and resected specimen; 3) pre-bleeding acid secretion; 4) preventive and operative management.
Photographic gastric mucosal chages were present in all 42 patients. These changes consisted of interspersed foci of pallor and hyperemia, red or black based erosions, oozing from mucosal surface, bleeding from superficial erosions and white based erosions. These erosions were located primarily in the body (fundic gland area).
Histology showed serial changes in the lamina propria consisting of subfoveolar edema, diapedesis, hyperemia, severe mucosal hemorrhage, and finally, mucosal necrosis.
Gastric hypersecretion (>3 mEq/hr) was present in most patients.
Ice-saline lavage was unsuccessful in 13 patients and gave only temporary remission in 25 cases. Operative therapy varied with severity of bleeding. Vagotomy and distal gastrectomy was the most successful procedure in preventing rebleeding. Serial photographic and histologic changes were shown. Definition, etiology and plan of management of stress bleeding were discussed.

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