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要旨 切除虫垂2,169例について,臨床病理学的立場から検討した.急性・亜急性虫垂炎の診断のもとに切除された1,943例の病理診断は,①著変なし群444例(22.9%),②急性虫垂炎微小変化群727例(37.4%),③急性蜂窩織炎性虫垂炎群649例(33.4%),④急性壊疽性虫垂炎群73例(3.8%),⑤亜急性虫垂炎群4例(0.2%),⑥慢性虫垂炎群46例(2.7%)の6群に分類された.この6群の平均白血球数はそれぞれ10,613.2,10,265.8,15,170.5,16,3319,8,875.0,12,286.5/mm3であり,①②群と③④群の間,⑥群と③④群の間には有意差が認められた.2,169例中,合併ないし偶発病変として10例(0.46%)にカルチノイド,9例(0.41%)に類上皮細胞性肉芽腫,8例(0.37%)に壊死性動脈炎がみられた.以上の結果をもとに,臨床診断と病理診断の異同,白血球数と病型との相関および合併ないし偶発病変についての考察を加えた.
Clinicopathological study on 2,169 appendices surgically resected was carried out. Out of 2,169 cases, 1,943 cases were clinically diagnosed as acute and/or subacute appendicitis and were pathohistologically divided into six groups; i) cases without remarkable change of the appendix (group 1) (444 cases, 22.9%), ii) cases with minimal change in acute appendicitis (group 2) (727 cases, 3 7.4%), iii) cases with acute phlegmonous appendicitis (group 3) (649 cases, 33.4%), iv) cases with acute gangrenous appendicitis (group 4) (73 cases, 3.8%), v) cases with subacute appendicitis (group 5) (4 cases, 0.2%), vi) cases with chronic appendicitis (group 6) (46 cases, 2.7%).
Mean white blood cell (WBC) count in these six groups was 10,613.2, 10,265.8, 15,170.5, 16,331.9, 8,875.0, 12,286.5/mm3, respectively. The difference in the mean WBC count between groups 1, 2 and groups 3, 4, as well as between group 6 and groups 3, 4, was statistically significant (p<0.005).
In 55 cases out of 2,169 cases, associated and/or incidental lesions were microscopically discovered including diverticular disease (16), argentaffin carcinoid (9) and goblet-cell carcinoid (1), epithelioid cell granuloma (9), focal necrotizing arteritis (8), Schistosomiasis japonica (5), simple mucocele (4), mucinous cystadenoma (1), metaplastic polyp (1) and cavernous hemangioma (1).
According to the results thus obtained, brief discussion was made on the discrepancy between clinical diagnosis and pathologic diagnosis and on correlation of WBC count and pathologic diagnosis in cases clinically diagnosed as acute and/or subacute appendicitis, and also on associated and/or incidental lesions.

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