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要旨 虫垂の腫瘤性病変の病理所見を概観し,特に以下の点に注意を喚起した①カタル性虫垂炎,慢性虫垂炎という臨床病理学的概念は存在しない.②切除虫垂の病理学的検索で全身性疾患の診断が可能なことがある.③虫垂憩室はまれでなく,憩室炎は虫垂の炎症性腫瘤の原因として重要である.④いわゆる虫垂粘液囊腫(mucocele)は低悪性度粘液上皮性腫瘍であり,組織学的に良性に見え,adenoma-carcinom asequenceを示さなくても,その破裂により臨床的悪性腫瘍となりうる.⑤いわゆる虫垂gobletcellcarcinoidは,ほとんどが偶然発見され,臨床的に良性である典型的虫垂カルチノイドとは異なり,悪性腫瘍と考えるべきであろう.
Review of clinico-pathological findings of tumorous lesions of the appendix elucidated the following lessons.
1. Most of the neoplastic lesions of the appendix are clinically diagnosed as appendicitis.
2. Diverticulitis of the appendix is not rare and, rather, frequent cause of tumor-forming appendicitis.
3. So-called mucocele of the appendix is a low grade mucinous neoplasm with a potential to become clinically malignant even without histologic adenoma-carcinoma sequence.
4. Goblet cell carcinoid, a malignant neoplasm resembling scirrhous argyrophil cell carcinoma of the stomach, is biologically different from typical carcinoid of the appendix.

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