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Metastatic Gastric Cancer from the Breast, Report of a Case Hiroshi Nakano 1 , Eiko Takano 1 , Madoka Itoh 1 , Kyohei Kawase 2 , Kasumi Miura 2 1Department of Internal Medicine, Fujita-Gakuen Health University School of Medicine 2Department of Surgery, Fujita-Gakuen Health University School of Medicine Keyword: 転移性胃癌 , bull's eye sign , 乳癌 pp.1105-1111
Published Date 1990/9/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111410
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 A 57-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of epigastric pain. She had a history of breast cancer surgically removed one year and nine months prior to the admission.

 Physical and laboratory examinations revealed no abnormalities. Radiological study of the stomach showed irregular-shaped barium flecks surrounded by coarse mucosal folds and multiple polypoid lesions with small barium fleck. These findings were similar to the “bull's eye sign” usually seen in cases of gastric metastasis of malignant melanoma. Endoscopic examination showed multiple flat masses of various sizes, with shallow depression on them. Biopsy specimens obtained from these lesions contained tumor cells identical to the breast cancer cells previously obtained. Further investigations were negative for other metastatic lesions. Total gastrectomy was performed.

 Examination of the resected specimen showed large crater with tumorously engorged mucosal folds in the posterior wall of the middle portion of the gastric body and multiple small polypoid lesions with the small depression as previously seen. Histological examination of the cross sections showed the tumor mass with shallow ulceration, the submucosal layer with expansive growth of tumor cells and the proper muscle layer through the serosa being diffusely infiltrated by tumor cells. These tumor cells were shown to have characteristics identical to the breast cancer. These findings clearly demonstrated that the gastric cancer resulted from the previously treated breast cancer.

 Review of literatures on autopsy cases indicated the unexpectedly higher incidence of gastric metastasis from breast cancer than generally believed. Radiologically, those metastatic lesions presented as linitis plastics type. Thus, when encountered with the linitis plastics type gastric cancer in the patient with previous history of breast cancer, we should always consider a possibility of gastric metastasis from breast cancer.

Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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