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Intestinal Tuberculosis in the Ileocecal Region, Report of a Case Hiroshi Nakano 1 , Sumio Nakajima 1 , Madoka Itoh 1 , Kyohei Kawase 2 , Kaoru Miura 2 1Department of Internal Medicine, Fujita-Gakuen Health University, School of Medicine 2Department of Surgery, Fujita-Gakuen Health University School of Medicine pp.339-344
Published Date 1988/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403108009
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 A 46 year-old man was admitted to the hospital complaining of right lower abdominal pain. Physical and laboratory examinations revealed no significant abnormalities.

 Radiological study demonstrated narrowing of the terminal ileum with coarsened mucosa and longitudinal ulcers.

 Endoscopical examination disclosed shallow, inrregularly-shaped ulcers on the ileocecal valve and longitudinal ulcers in the terminal ileum. The so-called “cobblestone appearance” was not seen around the ulcers. Biopsies taken from these areas proved to be the noncaseating granulomas.

 Since these findings can be either due to ileocecal tuberculosis or Crohn's disease, we could not make definite diagnosis before surgery.

 Resected specimen showed about 10 cm long, girdle scarred area with branching linear ulcers in the terminal ileum, and a shallow circular ulceration on the ileocecal valve.

 Histologically, many non-caseating granulomas were found in each layer of the intestinal wall and in regional lymph nodes, establishing the diagnosis of tuberculosis.

 Longitudinal ulcer, usually seen in Crohn's disease, did not help us in making correct diagnosis in this case. This type of linear ulcer is also seen in the girdle ulcer as a cracked surface.

 In order to make an accurate diagnosis of this type of intestinal tuberculosis, one should always bear in mind the possible presence of such a characteristic macroscopic features seen in the intestinal tuberculosis.

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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