

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


On Excretive Cholecysto-cholangiography Taiji Matsumoto 1,2 1Dept. of Radiology, Tokyo Teishin Hospital pp.415-422
Published Date 1970/4/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111245
  • Abstract
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 Various methods of excretive cholecysto-cholangiography have been tried, besides a simple peroral or intravenous administration, to non-visualized cases. Of 3,639 cases of cholecysto-cholangiogra phy by means of co-administration of Biloptin and Biligrafin done by the author for the past 9 years, 1,074 cases belonged to diseases of the bile duct, and the non-visualized amounted to 88, or 8.1%. Assuming that the causes for the negative results are mostly due to inflammations of the bile duct, the author tried various means of administration, including daily dosis of 6 tablets of Betamethasone (Rinderon 0.5 mg) lasting for 1 week. The results are that of 70 cases of nonvisualization, 53 or 75.7% have shown radiopaque improvement, thus making the diagnosis feasible. Besides this consecutive steroid administration, there are such methods as successive peroral medication, double dosis of Biligrafin with glucose tolerance, Biligrafin and choleretica with glucose tolerance, co-administration of morphine and intravenous infusion of Biligrafin (DIC). A reference has been made to these methods, laying stress on the author's new method of visualization by combined use of steroid with DIC. As against the Niizuma's report that DIC method was ineffective, it is presented here that in the case of healthy persons there is no difference in visualization between the DIC method and its combined use with steroid, and his report is thus far pertinent, but in non-visualized cases the DIC method remains a very effective means to produce satisfactory results.

Copyright © 1970, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


