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ENDOSCOPIC STUDY OF CASCADE STOMACH Tadahiko Kozu 1 1The Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical College pp.853-859
Published Date 1969/7/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111139
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 Cascade stomach, a morphological designation in roentgenology of a gastric deformity, is now interpreted in a wider sense irrespective of its causes. One of its characteristics is a stricture of the upper posterior wall directly distal to the cardia in such a manner as the fornix is cut off like a sack to the left and backward. In the neck are often found mucosal changes.

 Endoscopic study of this variety of gastric deformity is mostly not difficult, but in cases of outstanding deformity, some “knacks” are expedient to endoscopic maneuver.

 The tip of an endoscope, entering the gastric lumen down from the cardia, first runs against the posterior wall in the fornix which forms the upper loculus. If pushed forward as it is, the endoscope is apt to damage the mucosa and to provoke nausea, giving the patient unnecessary pain. For further insertion down into the corpus, an endoscope must be given an “up” and axis rotation to the left, to watch the stricture and pass it over. If rotated axially to the right, the endoscope will go deeper into the fornix. In case of an endoscope with its tip for observation is fixed, it must be inserted with enough air in the phase of inspiration putting the patient on his right side.

 In cascade stomach mucosal changes such as ulcer or cancer lesions are often found in the constricted part on the upper posterior wall. Observation of this area is therefore of major importance along with the confirmation of any extragastric pressure. For sufiicient study of this region, the corpus must be fully stretched and the endoscope must be given right axis rotation and a “down” so that bending part of upper posterior wall might be the better observed with enough distance in between.

 Cascade stomach was observed in our center during three months from August to October 1968 in 57 cases (5.7 per cent) of a total of 1002 which were examined fluoroscopically after administration of Buscopan. Of these, ulcer on the upper posterior wall was observed in five cases and cancer in four likewise on the upper posterior wall.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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