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Deformity of the stomach due to its cancer is diversified in its aspect. Not only does it embody that by classical gastric cancer but also that due to early gastric cancer now at issue. It can readily assumed that the latter, as the nature of its lesion implies, is sometimes hard to discriminate from the deformation of the stomach caused by benign lesions as well as by its quasideformity possibly presented by normal stomach with no lesion at all. This has been often experienced before, being especially perplexing to all concerned in routine examinations of the stomach or in its mass surveys. A foothold must therefore be established in the differentiation of gastric deformity: a means to dispense with waste of time and unnecessary exposures.
For materials of this study, operated cases have been studied in 50 of advanced carcinoma, 77 of early gastric cancer as against those in 36 of duodenal ulcer and 53 of gastric polyp, in addition to 79 of non-operated cases as contrasts.
A most efficient method is described in this paper to diagnose gastric cancer by barium-filled picture alone. It is first to pick out a most suitable film for this purpose out of many seriarograms; and secondly to check up the deformity of the stomach and any abnormality of its contour. The purport of this paper may be otherwise expressed as a methodology and its evaluation in the study of the deformity of the stomach, or a fresh development of this methodology on condition that it must be of practical help actually at present.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.