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ON DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA OF GIANT RUGAE OF THE STOMACH Shigeru Suzuki 1 1The Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical College pp.513-521
Published Date 1969/4/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111022
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 Diagnostic criteria for giant rugae of the stomach have not well been established so far both clinically and histologically. Roentgenologically, they show a picture of firm masses protruding from the gastric wall and are most pronounced along the greater curvature.

 During the past 3 years, 11 patients having giant rugosity were operated on and 5 such patients have been followed up in the authors' clinic. This is a report of one of their attempts to set up diagnostic criteria for giant rugae of the stomach by observing endoscopically mucosal behavior which undergoes change according as air is sent into the gastric lumen. In this paper is also shown how these patients were diagnosed as such.

 As rlistensibility of gastric rugae is considered to be proportionate to intragastric pressure and not to the amount of air sent into stomach, the former was measured by a small polyethylene tube inserted through the biopsical hole of fihergastroscope (FGS-B) at the same time as the amount of air was measured by flowmeter.

 By this method it has been found that intragastric pressure is, more or less, proportinate to the amount of air in the stomach in each case and that air escapes out through the esophagus by belching when the pressure reaches the height of 21 mmHg on an average.

 Normal gastric rugae become smooth or straightened endoscopically when the pressure is more than 15 mmHg (classification Fl), while roentgenologically so-called giant rugae are confirmed as showing two types. In one group, mucosal folds gradually become narrower and less tortuous but not completely straightened out (FII). In the other, rugae remain tortuous and do not become narrower even when the pressure is over 15 mml-lg (Fill). On the basis of these observations, it is proposed that genuine giant rugae of the stomach should have a distinction that they show no distensibility and remain in their initial tortuous state even when intragastric pressure is over 15 mmHg and generally 1,700 cc of air is sent into the stomach.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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