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The Utmost Limit of Qualitative Diagnosis in Gastric Ulcer as Regarded from Observations by Close-up Endoscopy S. Ichioka 1 , S. Miyagawa 1 , S. Hoshino 1 , H. Suzuki 1 , T. Takemoto 1 1Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical College pp.1201-1207
Published Date 1973/9/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403108549
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 Determination by gastric endoscopy of whether a given gastric ulcer is benign or malignant is usually based on the nature of the mucosal folds around it and also on the presence or absence of a IIc type lesion in its neighborhood. However, discrimination of a benign ulcer from a III type early cancer or an atypical III+IIc lesion still harbors some difficulties.

 In the past we have studied endoscopic close-up observation of epithelial regeneration around an ulcer which is considered as one of its repairing process. Our conclusion drawn therefrom is that accurate evaluation of epithelial regeneration can be an important help in determining whether a gastric ulcer is benign or malignant.

 Close-up study of benign ulcers by means of FGS-BL, PFS-F II and GIF-D seems to indicate that the shapes of regenerating epithelia can be divided into four: yamayuri (lilium serrulata) type, azami (thistle) type, nogiku (wild camomile) type and a mixture of yamayuri and azami types. Characteristics of the four types have been compared with histologic pictures of biopsy. As a result, it has been found that configuration of regenerating epithelia can be determined by inflammatory changes and the degree of mucosal repair. Transition from one type to another was observed in the course of ulcer evolution.

 Close-up study of III+II c and IIc+III lesions disclosed in most cases mucosal reddening similar to that seen diffusely in the active stage of benign ulcer. In a few cases regenerating epithelia were demonstrated around type III lesion. Histologic investigation confirmed the site of mucosal repair as ‘sanctuary’.

 Differentiation between regenerating epithelia around an ulcer and cancerous erosions is now considered possible to a certain degree. This possibility may afford us a clue to endoscopic diagnostic approach to type III early gastric cancer.

Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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