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要旨 患者は31歳,主婦.下痢,発熱,体重減少を主訴として来院.口内アフタ,陰部潰瘍の既往があり,S状結腸から回腸終末部にかけてびまん性にアフタ様潰瘍だけから成る病変の多発を認めた.潰瘍からの生検では肉芽組織と壊死組織をみるだけで,特異的な所見を認めなかった.プレドニン投与後,症状は軽快し,腸病変はひだ集中などの所見を残すことなく消失した.回盲部に大きな潰瘍がなく,びまん性でかつ広範にアフタ様潰瘍だけから成る腸型Behçet病(疑わしい型)であり,まれな病態を示したので報告した.
We report here a case of rare form of intestinal Behçet causing only aphthoid ulcers involving a large area but lacking typical ulcers in the ileo-cecal region.
A 31-year-old housewife visited our hospital complaining of diarrhea, fever, and loss of weight. She had a history of oral aphtha and genital ulcers. Pathological changes due to aphthoid ulcers were noted in the sigmoid colon to the terminal ileum. Her symptoms improved with prednisolone and the lesions disappeared without leaving residual changes such as converging folds.
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