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激しい血性下痢や高熱を主症状とする患者のなかに,病理学的には潰瘍をともなう炎症によって特徴づけられる,非伝染性の,重篤な大腸炎のあることが古くから注目され,欧米ではWilks1)(1868)の記載以来ulcerative colitis1),simple ulcerative colitis2),Colitis ulcerosa3),Colitis chronica gravis4),chronic ulcerative colitis,nonspecific ulcerative colitis,idiopathic ulcerative colitis,asylum dysentery,innominate ulcerative colitis,ulcero-hemorrhagic colitis,chronic suppurative colitis,thrombo-ulcerative colitisなどと呼ばれ,わが国では稲田5)(1928)の報告以来重症大腸炎または潰瘍性大腸炎と称せられている.しかるに,当時“colitis”という名称は臨床的には,必ずしも病理組織学的な炎症を示す用語として用いられているわけではなかったが,やがて大腸の機能的疾患であるirritable colon過敏大腸症の概念が新に登場し,従来spastic colitis,mucous colitis,およびmechanical colitisなどと称せられていたあいまいなものが過敏大腸症の範疇に含まれるにおよんで6),近年,欧米では原因不明の非特異性大腸炎として本症が大きくクローズアップされる結果となってきている.
On the basis of clinical results in 84 cases of ulcerative colitis encountered in the Yamagata Department of Internal Medicine for the past 16 years, various clinical aspects such as its frequency, physical and laboratory findings, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, complications, treatment and prognosis have been investigated. It is shown here that this has become a disease not so rare as was formerly considered. It is a little more frequent in the female, most often found in young people and adults. Changes in the colon predominantly involve the rectum as well, so that in addition to rectoscopy, biopsy and cytological diagnosis are of major importance for its determination. With mucosanguinolent stool as its chief symptom, typical ulcerative colitis often includes, besides abnormal x-ray findings, fever, loss of weight, a rise in blood sedimentation rate, normochromic anemia, leucocytosis, hypoproteinemia, lowering of A/G ratio, decreased serum gamma globulin and hypokalemia. These findings are not outstanding in rectosigmoiditis. However, no conspicuous difference is to be found between the two as far as findings of rectoscopy, cytological diagnosis and biopsy are concerned. In about one third of cases of this disease, surgical intervention become necessary. Although prognosis as regards recurrences after internal treatment is not always favorable, return to social life is practically possible.

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