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SURGERY OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS AND THE IATROGENIC DISEASE. Tsutomu Kidokoro 1 1Department of Surgey, School of Medicine, Tokyo University Branch Hospital. pp.1077-1084
Published Date 1968/8/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403110786
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 There are various stand points as to the definition of the iatrogenic desease. When reviewed historically, it is not always necessary to stick to Hurst's definition. In our opinion, the definition of the iatrogenic disease could be made as follows: the diseases induced by medical treatment other than the mistreatment which might have been prevented by the careful treatment.

 To study how to prevent and treat the iatrogenic disease will contribute to the modern medical science. In the surgical field, the decision of the indication of the operation is most important. Of course, the decision of indication is based on the exact diagnosis. But when the decision of operation about gastroptosis, chronic gastritis, chronic appendicitis, coecum mobile, abdominal adhesion or biliary dyskinesia is to be made, it is necessary to make it sure that the chief complaints are caused by the respective diseases.

 The factors not only from doctor's side but from patient's side, for instance characteristic background and circumstances of patient, must be checked carefully. Psychological syndrome which occured before or after a operation should be prevented by the human relationship based on the deep mutual understanding among doctors, nurses and patients.

 To prevent iatrogenic desease caused by the operation of digestive organs, it is necessary to make accurate indication and to inspect the factors concerning with the charactor of a patient, but the selection of the method of operation is also important. Iatrogenic desease was studied placing the focus to the surgery of stomach and intestinal diseases.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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