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要旨 過去5年間に診断された小腸の炎症性疾患の便潜血陽性率を検討し,Crohn病87.5%,アミロイドーシス66.7%,虚血性小腸炎66.7%,糞線虫症66.7%,アニサキス症50%,腸結核50%,Behcet病100%,放射線性腸炎0%,Schönlein-Henoch病100%の結果を得た.また出血のみられたblind loop syndrome,Meckel憩室,慢性の虚血性小腸炎,Schönlein-Henoch病の小腸X線像を呈示した.小腸に出血源を持つ症例の診断には読影可能な小腸X線像と,その読影能が重要であると考えられた.
The positivity rate for occult blood in stools was studied in inflammatory diseases of the small intestine, diagnosed in the last five years.
The rate was found to be Crohn's disease 87.5%, amyloidosis 66.7%, ischemic inflammation of the small intestine 66.7%, Strongyloides stercoralis 66.7%, Anisakis disease 50%, Behcet's disease 100%, radio-enteritis 0% and Schönlein-Henoch's disease 100%. Roentgenograms of the small intestine for blind loop syndrome that showed hemorrhage, Meckel diverticulum, chronic ischemic inflammation of the small intestine and Schönlein-Henoch's disease were also presented. Roentgenograms of the small intestine which can be interpreted, and the ability to interpret them are considered important in diagnosing cases in which there is hemorrhage with its source in the small intestine.

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