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Clinical Study of Crohn's Disease in the Large Intestine: Radiological Diagnosis of Cases without Longitudinal Ulcer nor Cobblestone Appearance Hidehisa Ohi 1 1The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University Keyword: Crohn病 , X線診断 , 非定型例 , 縦軸要素 pp.385-399
Published Date 1994/4/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403105767
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 Clinical course and radiological findings were analyzed in fifty cases with Crohn's disease (10 cases of small intestinal type, 30 cases of small intestine-large intestinal type, 10 cases of large intestinal type). Ten cases had atypical radiological findings: there was no longitudinal ulcer nor cobblestone appearance, and all of them were classified into small intestinal type. In the ascending colon, cobblestone appearance was frequently noted. At the hepatic flexure and in the trasverse and descending colons, longitudinal ulcers were commonly found. In the sigmoid colon, serpiginous ulcers were most common finding. Aphthoid ulcers, barium flecks, fine granular defects were noted mainly in the left-hemi colon. Eighty percent of the lesions with cobblestone appearance was resected during their clinical course. Forty percent of the patients with longitudinal ulcers healed to scar and 40 percent of them repeated remissions and relapses. The legion with longitudinal ulcer and/or cobblestone appearance succeeded aphthoid ulcers, barium flecks, fine granular defects and/or normal mucosa. Atypical cases were more likely to have aphthoid ulcers, barium flecks, fine granular defects than typical cases. Many lesions with longitudinal ulcer and/or cobblestone appearance resulted in deformities suggesting longitudinal involvement in a long time. Therefore, for the diagnosis of atypical Crohn's disease, it is important to detect longitudinal involvement in various deformities.

Copyright © 1994, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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