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Progress in the Diagnosis of Early Gastric Cancer Tadayoshi Takemoto 1 , Hideo Yanai 1 1The First Department of Internal Medicine, Yamaguchi University, School of Medicine pp.27-33
Published Date 1985/1/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403109644
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 A survey on advancement in the diagnosis of early gastric cancer in the last 20 years was conducted. The definition and macroscopical classification of "Early Gastric Cancer" done by Tanaka et al in 1962 was accomplished through diagnostic methodology by means of gastroscope, gastrocamera, x-ray examination and others which were used before that time. It played a definitive role in forming the foundation for preparing the age of the fiberscope and doublecontrast method.

 Moreover, the establishment of gastric biopsy under direct viewing fiberscopy made the diagnosis of early gastric cancer more reliable and easier, promoting its wide use. By such developments in diagnostic capacity, the number of early gastric cancer detected increased and also, new findings about the growth rate, mode of development (for example, malignant cycle, linitis plastica. etc.) and the place of origin of early gastric cancer were obtained. Recently, dying endoscopy, magnifying endoscopy, laser endoscopy and ultrasonic endoscopy have been put into practice for improving the diagnostic capability. Moreover, a new method of gastric biopsy, "strip biopsy", has appeared to complement and serve as the revised edition of the group classification of gastric biopsy by Japanese Research Society for Gastric Cancer.

 Conclusively, the progress of the diagnosis of early gastric cancer in Japan in the last 20 years brought forth a substantial results. However, more effort is necessary to finaly establish the diagnosis of minute cancer, increase the ratio of discovery and also to prevent the gastric cancer.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


