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症 例
患 者:58歳,主婦.
主 訴:上腹部不快感.
現病歴:1980年3月,成人病検診にて肝機能検査の異常を指摘され,某医にて通院治療中であったが,検査所見の増悪を来し,7月,本学第3内科に入院した.入院後のルーチン検査として施行された上部消化管X線検査にて十二指腸球部の隆起性病変を発見され,生検にてGroup Ⅳと診断されたため,手術の目的で同第2外科へ転科した.
A 58 year-old woman was admitted to our clinic because of hepatic disease. She complained of discomfort in the epigastrium. Roentgenographic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract revealed a well delineated and elevated lesion with irregular surface at the anterior wall of the duodenum bulb. Endoscopic examination showed an oval, nodular and polypoid lesion without erosion or bleeding. The biopsy specimens suggested cancer in adenoma. Resection of distal two-thirds of the stomach and duodenal bulb was performed with dissection of regional lymph nodes. Surgical specimen showed an oval, nodular, plateau-like lesion, measuring 4.0×3.5×0.5 cm arising mainly from anterior wall of the duodenal bulb about 1 cm distal to the pyloric ring. Histological diagnosis was papillo-tubular adenocarcinoma limited with in the mucosa.
This patient is the 16th case of early duodenal carcinoma reported in Japan. Review of the literature is also added.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.