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症 例
患 者:52歳,男性,会社員.
主 訴:右下腹部痛.
A 53-year-old man visited our hospital, complaining of ileocoecal pain twice in six months. His past history was not remarkable. There was no significant family history.
On admission, there was a tender but no palpable tumor in right lower quadrant. A coarse granular lesion and a pseudodiverticular formation at the cecum and proximal portion of the colon ascendens were demonstrated by barium enema.
In colonoscopy, a coarse granular lesion was seen in the region picked up by barium enema.
On surgical exploration, extensive inflammation and fibrous thickening were recognized in ileocoecal region. Right hemicolectomy was carried out.
On resected specimen, a coarse granular lesion (4 cm in diameter) was shown and a longitudinal ulcer scar (2.5 cm in length) distally adjacent to its lesion was recognized. The appendix was swollen to 2 cm in diameter.
In histoiogical examination, chiefly submucosal fibrosis of the appendix and colon, and cystic dilatation of appendicular mucosa with inflammatory changes were recognized. The strongest inflammatory change was at proximal portion of the appendix, but a transmural inflammation, fissuring and fistulation were not recognized. The lesion was diagnosed as socalled fibroplastic appendicitis (Läwen).

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