

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


On the Transendoscopic Exstirpation of Gastric Submucosal Tumor H. Kuramata 1 , S. Eto 1 , S. Miyamoto 1 1Kanagawa Seijin-byo Center Hospital pp.1475-1484
Published Date 1976/11/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403107472
  • Abstract
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 We have succeded in the transendoscopic exstirpation of the submucosal tumor of the stomach in 6 out of 9 cases during June 1974 to March 1976. Two-channel gastrofiberscopes for treatment, T.G.F.-2S or 2D (Olympus Co.) including various suitable instruments were applied, such as high frequency knife, snare, scissors, forceps, clipapplicator, etc. and P.S.D.-Olympus Co. highfrecator insulated against electric shock was also used.

 Now “transendoscopic exstirpation” means that this operation is to be performed with usual surgical procedures, instead of using a snare alone. The operation is performed almost in the same manner as exstirpation of subcutaneous tumor. Basic narcosis is applied with 30 mg of hydrochloric morphine atropine intromuscularly, and maintained with 35 mg hydrochloric pethisin intravenously. Two clips are attached to the base of the submucosal tumor for marking and identifying the location. These marking clips will help in identifying the exact location of the surgical field especially when hemorrhage obscures the field later on. A mixture of 2% procaine and epinephrine is injected into the area with an endoscopic needle in order to elevate the mucosa and separate it from the tumor. The surface mucosa is incised with a high frequency knife exposing the portion of tumor. Usually a small piece of tumor is removed for biopsy, and then we further proceed to excise the entire tumor.

 The tumor is fixed with grasping forceps and is gently pulled up as sharp dissection is performed by means of scissors. This can also be accomplished by high frequency knife. The tumor is exposed as the dissection progresses. At last the tumor would simulate a broad-based polyp. The tumor is excised in the same way as polypectomy. The wound is irrigated with ice-cold irrigating solution mixed with epinephrine. Homostasis is accomplished with clips. Clips are also useful in approximating the mucosal edges for a large tissue defect caused by the romoval of the tumor.

 During about one week after the operation, the patient is given no foods per os except several drugs for stomach ulcer with a small amount of water. With these drugs the patient has no complaint of stomachache. And glucose solution, Ringer's solution and protein, lipid synthetic solutions are given intravenously with many vitamines and hemostatic drugs. After one week the tissue defect begins to recover with granulation tissue. After third or four weeks since the operation, the surgical field appears to be replaced with scar tissue and all clips be extruded spontaneously.

 Nine cases consisted of three males and six females. The eldest was 64 years old and the youngest was 44 years old. The location of the tumor were scattered over almost the entire stomach except prepyloric portion. Ratio of success were as follows: fornix 2/3, cardia 1/1, lesser curvature of corpus 1/2, greater curvature of corpus 1/1, angular part 1/1, anterior wall of antrum 0/1. The largest specimen was 3 . 0 cm in diameter. Histological diagnoses were as follows; leiomyoma 3, aberrent pancreas l, lipoma 1, solid heterotopic cystic formation of the stomach 1.

 On the three unsuccessful cases on account of massive bleeding during operation, we analysed the reasons. No perforation and no batal accident were experienced until now.

 This is the first report succeeding in the exstirpatation of gastric submucosal tumor transendoscopically.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


