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最近では,Ⅱb型早期胃癌の存在を疑うことをも含めて,胃内視鏡ではあらゆる映像に対し一応悪性の存在を疑わざるを得ない.とくに以前に,良性と思い込んで経過を追求しているうちに,胃生検を行なってみたら,癌が証明されたという苦い経験を持っていれば,次に以通った病変像に出会った時,良性よりは悪性へとover readingしてしまうのはむしろ当然であろう.とは言っても,それだけの理由で,良性のものをたびたび悪性として処置することは,当然のことながら許されるべきではない.良性病変で強く悪性を疑わせた所見を悪性病変のそれと対比し,その意味の違いを反省して,今後,良悪性鑑別の手がかりの一つとすることは大変有意義なことと思われる.筆者は,過去に経験した内視鏡像で,良悪性ともに大変よく似た症例を比較して,両方の違いを出そうと試みた.症例は,なるべく多くを供覧するようにした.
Of 590 cases on which gastric biopsy under gastroscopic control have been performed, there were 28 cases of benign lesions which appeared falsely malignant on the gastroscopic examination. Thirteen cases of malignant lesions also gave us falsely negative findings. Most of benign lesions looking malignant were type Ⅱc or Ⅱc+Ⅲ. These gastroscopic findings in the depressed type of lesion were carefully analyzed using the results of gastric biopsy and/or of gastrectomy. And following differential diagnostic criteria were obtained.
1. A shallow depression which has a stair-like boundary on its whole margin and partly altered as if eroded at the tips of the converging folds is the most important main finding in the diagnosis of cancer in type Ⅱc.
2. Irregular shape of ulcer, its uneven bottom, granular or islet-like heave-up on the margin of ulcer, thin white coat, dark, bloody depression and loss of gloss of mucous membrane, etc are subfindings observed in both benign lesion and cancer.
These subfindings unassociated with main finding are of least assistance in the diagnosis of cancer, so that above-mentioned main finding must always be looked for. Many a cancer case is definitely diagnosed by gastrocamera, but biopsy is a most important procedure far outweighing others in the diagnosis of gastric cancer.

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