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患 者:47歳 女性
主 訴:腹部腫瘤,下血
A 47-year-old female was admitted to our hospital with melena and a palpable mass in the upper abdomen. The upper gastrointestinal X-ray series and endoscopic study demonstrated a huge protruding tumor in the antrum of the stomach. The tumor was palliatively removed by partial gastrectomy.
During the surgical intervention, numerous lymph nodes swollen to the size of bean to hen-egg were noticed. In addition, a hen-egg sized metastatic tumor was also found in the left lobe of the liver.
Grossly, the resected stomach revealed a large elevated, elastic soft tumor, measuring 9.5×9.0×7.0 cm.
The margins of the tumor were raised, and its base was constricted.
Histology proved that the tumor was a mixed tumor consisting of a rhabdomyosarcomatous and an adenocarcinomatous elements. Most part of tumor showed an embryonal pattern of rhabdomyosarcoma, while the base and the skirt of the tumor consisted of a well differentiated adenocarcinoma that was invading the muscularis propria.
Although the two tumor elements were intermixed with each other, no transition was demonstrated between each of these two cellular elements. The tumor should be regarded as collision tumor.
Metastatic foci of the liver and the lymph nodes contained metastasis from the well-differentiated papillotubularcarcinoma alone. No rhabdomyosarcomatous elements were identifiable.

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