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Cancer developing in the gastric remnant several years after partial gastric resection due to benign lesions is called cancer of remnant stomach.
In our country reports of such cases have been few; according to Yamashita 106 cases were reported up to 1971. Most of them belonged to advanced cancer. Early cancer of the gastric remnant is thus very limited. We report here such a case, a tiny cancer of the stomach developing in the gastric stump, with reference to the literature.
A 70-year-old farmer came to our hospital complaing of abdominal distention he noticed 27 years after gastric resection performed on account of ulcer. X-ray revealed no abnormality in the stomach, while. endpscopy showed a hemispheric small protrusion subsequently diagnosed by biopsy as tubular adenocarcinoma. Histologic study of the resected specimen revealed IIa type early cancer, well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma with slight atypicality, extending over the superficial layer of the tip of a polypoid lesion, which measured 5×5 mm.
Up to the present, cases of early cancer seen in the gastric remnant amount to only 5 in number. Roentogenology is often inefficient in its diagnosis because of unusual configuration of the gastric stump. Small lesions are apt to be overlooked. Early cancer of the stomach is now detected with ease owing to the development of both X-ray techniques and endoscopic diagnosis. However, once the stomach is resected for one reason or another, detection of early cancer faces great difficulty. One should be very careful in the examinations of the gastric remnant in daily practice.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.