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要旨 家族性大腸腺腫症は大腸に無数の腺腫が発生するのみならず,軟部腫瘍,骨腫および歯芽異常(Gardner症候群)や,中枢神経腫瘍(Turcot症候群)を随伴する.また,大腸以外の消化管にもポリープが発生することがある.特に本邦において胃に多数のポリープが報告されている.その組織学的所見は,胃前庭部のものは腺腫で,胃底腺部のものは過形成性ポリープである.後者の一部は経過中に縮小したり消失したりする.筆者らは,20歳,女性の家族性大腸腺腫症で,胃底腺領域にポリープが多発し,その組織像は過形成性ポリープであった(胃底腺の過形成と小嚢胞から成る隆起性病変で,炎症性変化に乏しい)が,大腸切除後に胃病変が消失した症例を経験したので報告した.
Familial polyposis is not only a disease in which numerous adenomas originate in the colon but is also associated with osteoma, tumors of soft tissue and dental anomalies (Gardner's syndrome), or combined with tumors of the central nervous system (Turcot's syndrome).
Sometimes, polyps originate in the gastrointestinal tract except the colon, and many cases of gastric polyps were reported especially in Japan. Histological findings of the gastric polyps were adenomas in the antral area and hyperplastic polyps in the fundic gland area. Some of the latter polyps were found to be smaller or disappeared during the course.
We reported here a case of familial polyposis, 20 year-old woman with many gastric polyps in the fundic gland area. The histological findings of the gastric polyps were hyperplastic polyps (elevated lesion consisted of hyperplasia of fundic gland and small cysts, and inflammatory changes were poor). Furthermore, these gastric lesions had disappeared after resection of the colon.

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