

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Follow-up Study of Gastroduodenal Lesions in Familial Adenomatosis Coli M. Iida 1 1The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University pp.621-638
Published Date 1984/6/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403107046
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 Gastroduodenal lesions of 21 cases of familial adenomatosis coli in 14 families were followed by x-ray and endoscopic examination with biopsy for average more than five years and the following results were obtained.

 1) In ten out of the 21 cases, fundic gland polyposis was noted. Among the ten cases, progressive changes in number and size of the fundic gland polyp were evaluated and the results were as follows: four cases had an increase in its number and size, two cases had a decrease in its number and size, two cases had its temporal regression or disappearance but eventually had an increase in its number and size, one case had a new development and no change was observed in the remaining one case. There was no apparent correlation between these changes and operation of the colon.

 2) Gastric adenoma was noted in seven out of 21 cases. Among the seven cases, changes in number and size of the gastric adenoma were evaluated and it disclosed the following findings: five cases had no change but other one had disappearance of one of two adenomas and the last one had malignant change of the adenoma.

 3) Twelve out of 13 cases, which were followed by hypotonic duodenography and duodenofiberscopy, were found to have duodenal adenoma. In nine out of the 12 cases, the adenoma remained unchanged, but in other two cases, a slight increase or decrease in number and size of the adenoma was partly noted. In the remaining one case, protruded lesion of the bulb (17 mm in diameter), which was overlooked by initial examination. became advanced cancer measuring 50×30 mm for one year and 10 months.

 4) Duodenal papilla was followed by endoscopic biopsy in ten cases and four of them were found to have adenoma. No endoscopic and histologic changes were noted among them for average more than five years.

 5) These results suggest that gastroduodenal lesions in familial adenomatosis coli grow less rapidly than its colonic lesions and have less malignant potentials.

 However, increased incidence of malignant changecan be expected if we have more cases of long-term survivors from now on. Therefore, periodic follow-up for such patient should be considered for a long period.

Copyright © 1984, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


