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胃癌のなかでも胃底腺粘膜領域の癌(99%が未分化型)は他領域の癌と比べるととりわけ異なった浸潤様式を示す.胃底腺粘膜領域の癌は極めて粘膜内癌巣の小なる内に広汎な粘膜下浸潤を示す傾向がある.このことは,胃底腺粘膜領域の癌はLinitis Plastica状態になる可能性が極めて大であると言える.Linitis Plastica状態の胃癌はその切除率も低く,5年生存はほとんど不可能である.しかしながら,その発生当初はやはり早期癌であり,その時点での発見がなされればLinitis Plastica状態の胃癌の撲滅も期待できる.
1. What we call “F”-boundary line is a line limiting the lesser curvature side border of the mucosal folds, revealed on a double contrast radiograph, which are located on the greater curvature side of the gastric body.
The greater curvature side of F-line is fundic gland area.
A depressed type lesion located entirely on the greater curvature side of F-line can be diagnosed as cancer.
2. F-line revealed on a radiograph is effective in diagnosing the invasion depth and the limit of spread of cancer located in fundic gland area.
When the spread of mucosal cancer located on the lesser curvature side of F-line measures less than 4 cm in the largest diameter, its invasion depth is, with high possibility, limited within pm. On the other hand, when mucosal cancer is located on the greater curvature side of F-line, it shows no relation between its size and the invasion depth. In many cases cancer invades into deeper layers while its size of spread stays small.
With mucosal cancer located on the lesser curvature side of F-line, very few cases are observed in which the size of its submucosal spread measures more than double the size of mucosal lesion in their largest diameters.
On the contrary, with the cases of mucosal cancer located on the greater curvature side of F-line, 42% of them show that the size of submucosal spread measures more than double the size of mucosa] lesion in their largest diameters.
3. The proximal limit of subrnucosal spread has been observed on the greater curvature side in the cases we experienced.
With a case accompanied by a slight narrowing or without narrowing, the proximal limit is discernible by the changes of mucosal folds on the greater curvature side, thus revealing the extreme limit of cancer spread.

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