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要旨 1957年より1989年4月までの32年4か月間に癌研付属病院で経験した41例の直腸カルチノイドにつき検討した.症状は排便時の出血が最も多く,腹痛がこれに次いだが,カルチノイド症候群を随伴するものはなかった.X線検査では,亜有茎性~無茎性の円形ないし楕円形の隆起性病変として診断された.大腸内視鏡では,淡黄~黄色の色調の無茎性~亜有茎性の隆起性病変として認められた.径の増大と共に中心陥凹ないし潰瘍を伴った.
Forty-one cases with rectal carcinoid tumor were reviewed regarding its diagnosis and treatment. All cases were experienced at the Cancer Institute Hospital in a period of 32 years and 4 months. Anal bleeding was the most frequently encountered symptom followed by abdominal pain. There was no case with carcinoid syndrome. Radiographically the majority were recognized as having a subpedunculated or sessile polypoid lesion, round or oval in shape. Endoscopically, these subpedunculated or sessile polypoid lesions had yellowish to slightly yellowish hue. The frequency of observing a central depression was positively correlated with the size of carcinoid tumor.

Copyright © 1989, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.