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Atrophy of Ileal Mucosa Xi-Shan Yang 1 , Dian-Yuan Zhou 1 , Fu-Cai Feng 1 1Digestive Certre for the Military, Nanfang Hospital, The First Military Medical University, Guangzhou, The People's Republic of China pp.413-421
Published Date 1989/4/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403106432
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 During a period of 9 months, 192 subjects with suspected lower intestinal disease and 41 normal volunteers were examined through ileoscopy with biopsy. In 17 of 192 subjects endoscopically, ileal mucosa seemed to be atrophied, and presented pale red or greyish-yellow or greyishw-hite color. There was loss of sheen, and little reflection of light. The texture ranged from velvet to velveteen, and dark red twiggy vessels were distinct. The lumen of the distal ileum was usually dilated. Histopathological and scanning electron microscopical study of the above 17 patients and 41 normal volunteers was carried out. Ileal bioptic samples were arranged and marked with India ink on the mucosal surface, and their direction was determined, and serially sectioned. The range of vinous height in the ileal mucosal atrophy group was 0-320 μm, averaging 185 ± 164 μm, whereas that of normal volunteers was 370-500, μm, averaging 416 ± 22 μm. The difference between control and ileal mucosal atrophy groups was significant, p<0.001. Atrophied ileal mucosa could be divided into four grades according to its vinous height, our definition is as follows : grade 0-from lower limit of normal value to 300 μm is a height which suggests that mucosal atrophy might be present. Grade 1 ―300-200 μm is slight mucosal atrophy. Grade 2 ―200-100 μm is moderate mucosal atrophy. Grade 3 ―from 100 μm to disappearance of villi is severe mucosal atrophy. Vinous atrophy was not found to be in proportion to the degrees of mucosal inflammation. Atrophied villi under microscope study presented a shortened, battlement-like appearance. Sometimes the villi had disappeared. Under scanning electron microscope study, the villi appeared as shortend, papilla-like or gyrus-like.

Copyright © 1989, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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