

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Why are Small Undifferentiated-type Gastric Carcinomas a Few Compared to Advanced Carcinomas ? Keiji Matsuda 1 , Yasushi Endoh 1 , Hidenobu Watanabe 1 1The First Department of Pathology, Niigata University School of Medicine Keyword: 胃癌 , 発育・進展 , 分化型癌 , 未分化型癌 , 胃型形質 , 腸型形質 pp.1445-1455
Published Date 1996/11/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403104447
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 Why are small undifferentiated-type gastric carcinomas a few `? To elucidate the reasons, we studied the frequency of pure differentiated-type (D-type), pure undifferentiated-type (U-type) and mixed type (D- and U-type) carcinomas by tumor size of intramucosal carcinomas and by depth of cancer invasion, using 1,997 early cancers (188 microcarcinomas measuring 5 mm or less,267 small carcinomas 5<x≦10mm sized, and 1,542 cancers above 10mm in size) and 1,279 advanced cancers.

 Ninety% of intramucosal microcarcinomas were comprised of pure D-type carcinomas, and 10% were comprised of pure U-type carcinomas. The former decreased and underwent transformation to U-type with the size of cancer, but the frequency of pure U-type carcinomas did not change with the size. The frequency of transformation from D-type to U-type was 3.4% in 5<x≦10mm-sized tumors, 7.4% in the 10<x≦20mm tumors, 11.4% in the 20<x≦30mm tumors and 35.8% in the 30mm<x tumors. With the depth of carcinoma invasion, pure D-type carcinomas decreased in rate and the rate of transformation of D-type to U-type increased, but pure U-type carcinomas did not show a significant change in frequency. The transformation rate was significantly higher in the mucosal area of submucosal carcinomas than in mucosal carcinomas even when the tumors were the same size. The transformation of submucosal cancer started in the mucosal area in 94.5% of the cases, and in the submucosal area only in 5.5% of the cases. The transformation was significantly higher in carcinomas with gastric phenotype (76.5%, 13/17) than in carcinomas with intestinal phenotype (22.7%, 17/75) (p<0.01), but had no correlation with location or cytological atypia of pure D-type carcinomas. U-type and D-type carcinomas in mixed-type carcinomas were mixed in their distribution, and almost the same in p53 protein expression, c-erbB-2 expression and K-ras mutation.

 These findings suggest that intramucosal D-type carcinoma transforms itself into U-type carcinoma with increase in its size, and that the latter easily invades the submucosa to form the main histological type of invasive area.

Copyright © 1996, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


