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Gastric Myogenic Tumors Its Ki-67 Mitotic Count, Myogenic Markers, Histogenesis of Sarcoma and Differentiation from Gastric Stromal Tumor Keiji Matsuda 1 , Hidenobu Watanabe 1 , Ken Nishikura 1 , Yasushi Endoh 1 , Yoichi Ajioka 1 1The First Department of Pathology, Niigata University School of Medicine Keyword: 胃平滑筋腫瘍 , 悪性の組織診断基準 , ki-67核分裂数 , 筋原性マーカー , 肉腫発生母地 pp.1109-1124
Published Date 1995/8/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403105501
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 We analyzed 164 gastric myogenic tumors for the purpose of making a new histological criterion of malignancy by mitotic count in Ki-67 stained sections, investigating the correlation of histological types of the tumors with frequency and grades of manifestation of cell-phenotypic markers, and elucidating the histogenesis and progression of sarcoma. The stainings of desmin, muscle specific actin (MSA), vimentin, S-100 protein, Ki-67 and p53 protein were used as cellphenotypic markers, proliferating cell (including mitotic cell) markers and markers of maligancy. The tumors were divided into benign and malignant tumors according to mitotic count by H・E stain (Newman's criteria: malignant is more than 0.52/10 HPF). We compared mitotic count in H・E section with that in Ki-67 section to know which is more suitable for judging mitotic figures. No statistically significant difference was in mitotic count between H・E stain and Ki-67 stain, but the latter was more objective and more reproducible than the former, and calculation of mitotic count by Ki-67 stain was quicker and simpler than that by H・E stain. From the present study the Ki-67 mitotic count of leiomyosarcomas was defined as more than 0.68 cells/10 HPF. And the sarcoma showed a more than 21/10 HPF Ki-67 cell count, which seems to be an assistant index for judgment of malignancy. By the Ki-67 mitotic count, the 164 lesions were classified into 84 leiomyomas, 32 cellular leiomyomas (cellularity≧220/HPF), nine leiomyoblastomas (one malignant), 35 leiomyosarcomas (31 low-grade, four high-grade), and four leiomyoshwannomas.

 Leiomyomas were 100% (84/84) positive for muscle cell markers (desmin and/or MSA), cellular leio-myomas were 96.9% (31/32), leiomyoblastomas were 77.8% (7/9), leiomyosarcomas (low) were 90.3% (28/31), and leiomyosarcomas (high) were 0% (0/4). Desmin and/or MSA were diffusely positive in 70.2% (59/84) of the leiomyomas, but partially positive in all of the cellular leiomyomas, leiomyoblastomas and leiomyosarcomas. On the centrary, vimentin tended to be more diffusely positive in the latter three lesions but to be partially negative in high-grade leiomyosarcomas. In two leiomyosarcomas there were two different grades of cellular atypia, low and high grades, and the lowgrade area was diffusely positive for vimentin but the high-grade was only partially positive. From the above findings, we can conclude that the more immature tumor cells are and the more histologically malignant the tumors are, the positivity of muscle cell markers decreases.

 There were no lesions containing both areas of leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma in the same tumor. Two cellular leiomyomas, 8 mm and 13 mm in their largest diameter, were revised as low-grade leiomyosarcoma by review of H・E section and Ki-67 mitotic count. Another cellular leiomyoma showed a 0.67 cells/10 HPF Ki-67 mitotic count and a 52/10 HPF Ki-67 cell count, and two other cellular leiomyomas 0.2 and 0.3 Ki-67 mitotic count, and 99 and 96 Ki-67 cell count, respectively. These data suggest that leiomyosarcomas develop de novo as a low-grade malignancy or in cellular leiomyoma and that they progress from low-grade into high-grade (the incidence was 14.3%, 5/35 in this study, and was lower than that of colonic carcinomas).

 Moreover, we can conclude that most GSTs (gastric stromal tumors) are myogenic tumors composed of immature or malignant cells in their origin because of the high incidence of myogenic markers which depend on cellular maturity.

Copyright © 1995, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


