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要旨 種々の理由で切除された虚血性腸病変358症例(372病変)の病理形態分類を再検討した結果,肉眼型は,①うっ血・出血型,②多発びらん型,③潰瘍型,④壊死型(粘膜壊死型,全層壊死型)に大別され,各肉眼型は,活動期,治癒進行期,治癒期,難治期に病期分類された.また,虚血性腸病変の肉眼形態は発症初期の虚血の程度と虚血の原因によって決定され,特に潰瘍型のうち縦走型は末梢側の血管障害に,輪状型と帯状型は中枢側の血管(動脈)障害に,円~卵円型は末梢側の動脈障害に由来すると推定された.この分類により,観察時点で純形態学的に虚血性腸疾患のすべてが肉眼分類可能で,加えて虚血の程度や病変の時相が表現され,予後や原因の推定が可能である.
We studied 358 intestinal ischemic lesions of the sugically resected specimens for the purpose of making a new macroscopic classification of all types of intestinal ischemic lesions.
Macroscopically, the lesions were classified into 4 types: 1) congestive hemorrhagic type, 2) multiple erosive type, 3) ulcerative type, 4) necrotic type. The ulcerative type was subdivided into 1) longitudinal, 2) girdle, 3) circular 4) round/oval subtypes. Each macroscopic type had the following phases: 1) active phase, 2) healing phase, 3) healed phase, 4) refractory phase. This macroscopic classification is applicable to all types of ischemic lesions of the small and large intestine, and can be used at any time when we find a lession.

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