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要旨 患者は66歳,女性.貧血を主訴に近医を受診し,上部消化管X線検査で十二指腸に隆起性病変が認められ精査目的で当院を受診.内視鏡検査で十二指腸球部に40×40mm大の有茎性ポリープが認められ,後日ポリペクトミーを施行.切除されたポリープは50×30×18mm大であった.内視鏡的にポリペクトミーされたBrunner腺腫は,これまでの報告では最大径60mmであるが,ポリープの全体の大きさを示す体積については,筆者らの症例がこれまでの報告中最大であった.
A 66-year-old woman with anemia visited our hospital for more detailed examination of an elevated lesion in the duodenum. A giant pedunculated polyp in the bulb was found by upper gastrointestinal endoscopic examination and was resected by endoscopic polypectomy. The resected specimen was 50×30×18 mm in size and pathologically diagnosed as a Brunner's gland hyperplasia. To toe best of our knowledge, the biggest Brunner's gland hyperplasia which was resected by endoscopic polypectomy, reported in Japan was 60 mm in size. But the polyp of our case was the biggest in volume.

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